Please clean lashes prior to every appointment (absolutely no makeup residue).
Read and agree to all policies and aftercare maintenance
Consent form is signed and sent back to LASHFOX
Avoid caffeine - failure to do so can cause twitching eyes, discomfort during service and often results in a slower application
You are able to keep eyes closed for the duration of the 60-180+ minute appointment(s)
Please bring anything that will keep you free from distractions and relaxed (I.E. comfy clothes or headphones)
Phone is silenced
Refrain from wearing perfume or heavily scented lotions prior to every service
Mask up if comfortable
Please make changes to your existing appointment at least 48 hours in advance. Anything less and you will be asked to pay 50% for the service(s) scheduled. This gives LASHFOX a chance to fill your appointment spot with someone who may be on our waitlist.
Failure to show to your appointment and you will be charged 100% for the service(s) scheduled.
Tardy Appointments
15 minutes past your scheduled appointment time and you will be asked to reschedule for another date. You will also be considered a "no-show" and charged 100% for the service price that was scheduled. Three "no-show" appointments and you will be asked to find another lash artist who might be a better fit for you.
After scheduling your appointment, you will be sent a consent form to the email address that was provided. Please read, initial and send it back prior to our scheduled time together. This ensures that you have read, understand and comply with my policies regarding proper aftercare maintenance, cancellations, fees, no shows and late arrivals listed below. If this consent for is not signed prior to service, you will be asked to sign it the day of and this will cut into our time lashing time together. If you have any questions regarding the contents of this consent form, please email [email protected].